Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Mermen BANKS CREEK CHURCH Cemetery aka HODGES/LEE’S Cemetery

            I WAS IN MY EARLY TO MID TEENS WHEN THIS DREAM OCCURRED: We were living off of Two Chop Road in Portal. We were living down a lane on Johnnie Robert’s Place. .My brother Larry and I would walk through the field to get to our neighbor and cousin (Thelmon McPhatter) house to watch the Rat Patrol each week. We would walk through the cemetery when it was daylight. However, at night or whenever it was too dark we would walk around the grave yard on our return trip home.

            One of the funny things that occurred once was that Larry and I encountered a white ghostly looking object walking towards us one night as we returned home. We happened to be on the dirt road that passed by the cemetery. We were directly in front of the apparition when Larry spotted the white figure and screamed that there was a ghost. Although I did not see it at the time, I was left in HIS dust to fend for myself as he galloped away from it faster than a thoroughbred at the Kentucky Derby. I took off in hot  pursuit while running for my life.  A familiar voice called to us as we ran. It turns out that our older brother Lynn was on his way to our neighbor’s house. He had decided to take the short-cut through the cemetery. He was wearing a white shirt.
            I had a dream about the cemetery that intrigued me one night. It was bright daylight during the dream. One of my cousins (I believe it may have been Billy Mosley and/or his brother Larry) and I were busy digging on the left side of the graveyard near the Cartee property. We dug up two or three strange creatures. We uncovered a creature that had the head of a person but the body of a seal (in retrospect, it was similar to a mermaid/Merman). The creatures had been buried for a long time but were still alive when we dug them up. The weird aspect of that dream was that we knew that somehow they were related to us. Also, they had hazel eyes as do the two/three of us. Our ancestors were known as the Indians for some of our ancestors were Cherokee. However, our grandfathers had blonde hair and blue or green eyes.

            This dream has caused me to think on the many strange things that I have been reading about regarding the Watcher that came down and mated with both man and beast.
The image that I saw that was being dug up out of the cemetery has reminded me of the many fantastic tales that are going about on the internet (July 16, 2013, date this segment was added to the dialog.) There are stories of mermaids and Mermen. The literature that is being uncovered suggest that the Fallen angles went stark raving mad and mated with every creature that they could think of. They were able to mate with animal, birds, reptiles and insects because of their ability to manifest into many different creatures. The power to transform themselves appears to have ended when Sinjaza and the rest of the Fallen Angels aka The Watchers were bound with chains in the pit of Hell. See the Book of Enoch.

The Watchers make their appearance in the bible in Genesis 6:1-4. “When men began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they chose of them any that they desired for marriage. Then the Lord said, “My Spirit will not contend with man forever for he is mortal.; his days will be a hundred and twenty years.

The Nephilim were on the earth in those days-and also afterwards-when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were heroes of old, men of renown. The individuals that the bible speak of are such people as Nimrod, Apollo’s, Poseidon, Zeus, Hercules, Anubis, Set and such figures that we now refer to as mythological beings. Each culture had different names for the individuals. Nimrod is the Biblical name. Every culture gave him their unique name because the languages and cultural outlook changed as a result of the changes that God made at Babel.

The centaurs and sirens were the creatures that were created by these ungodly unions between corrupted angels and man and with beast. The offspring’s were both gigantic and brutish. The dinosaurs were a byproduct of the Watchers mating with the reptiles. They escalated evil beyond our imagination. They took murder and mayhem to biblical proportions-literally
They created millions of off springs. The story continues in verses 5-7 of Genesis 6: the Lord saw how great man’s wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time. The Lord was grieved that he had made man on the earth, and his heart was filled with pain. So the Lord said, “I will wipe mankind, whom I have created from the face of the earth-men and animals, and creatures that move along the ground, and birds of the air-for I am grieved that I have made them.
You see Satan had worked to corrupt both man and beast and God had to destroy the Ungodly creations of the Fallen Angels. The demonic plan was to totally corrupt the seed of Eve/mankind in order to make it impossible for the seed of Eve to be born. The immaculate inception/conception was the thing that terrified Satan and his devilish associates. His plan was horrific. Thus the earth was destroyed by the flood of God to cleanse the earth of the wicked creations of Satan.

Noah begat Ham and Ham begat Cush. In his old age Cush begat Nimrod ( for in those days man began again to rebel and transgress against the Lord) and bestowed upon him the clothing that God had made to clothe Adman and Eve in the day that they discovered that they were naked. [After the death of Adam the skins were given to Enoch. When Enoch was to be translated he gave them to his son Methuselah When Methuselah died Noah to the garments aboard the Ark. When they left the Ark, the garments were stolen by Ham and hidden away. He secretly bestowed them upon his first born Cush. Cush hid them away from his brothers and sons. Cush loved Nimrod greatly and gave the garments to him.

Nimrod grew up and when he became 20 years old he put on the garments. Nimrod became strong when he put on the garments. God gave him might and strength. He became a mighty hunter in the field. He built altars and he sacrificed the animals upon the altars before the Lord. Nimrod strengthened himself before his brothers. He fought the battles of his brothers against their enemies round about. And the Lord delivered all of his enemies into his hands. God prospered him from time to time in his battles. He prospered and began to reign upon the earth.

Nimrod subdued all that he faced. He was made king over all of the earth. All of the world came to him and was subject to him. Nimrod did not go with God. Nimrod’s heart was not with God for he built idols. He made the idols of both wood and stone. He bowed down before them He taught the entire world to rebel against God by worshiping idols. He became the wicked man to live from the time of the floods. His son Marden became wicked. So a proverb was “From the wicked goeth forth wickedness!”

He associated himself with Nimrod and they created a so-called virgin birth. His wife was named Semarimis. She rebirth Nimrod as her son Tamuse. They formed an unholy Trinity. The very cultures that have the different names for Nimrod have stories about the flood and stories of virgin births.
Another element to the story is that the corrupted Angels taught their offspring many of the secrets of the heaven and of earth. Their demonic off springs had access to the most advanced technology. They had most of their focus on their lust and were not worried about the flood. They counted on their technology to save them. They did not count on the earth opening up and spewing water while the skies opened and poured down rain. They had no place to hide in all of the earth. Some of the demonic children were able to escape by going to another dimension. However, they were cut-off from their bastard angelic fathers who had been bound in hell.

A part of the assignment of the children of Israel was to wipe-out the last of the demonic seed that was still manifesting themselves as giants in the land of Canaan. Giants were the physical manifestation of the demonic hybrids. Extraterrestrials are the disembodied offspring’s of that unholy union. The extraterrestrials are demonic spirits that have managed to create a body suit to house their wandering souls. The less fortunate members of that clan haunt and inhabit unsuspecting and willing humans. Meanwhile, the groups that were in charge of the technology program nearly wiped each other out as recorded in the ancient manuscripts of the people of India.

 King Solomon said that there is nothing new under the sun. He was totally correct. The History Channel has a program called Ancient Aliens. The program catalogs the many mind blowing wonders that have been crated throughout the earth. There are many dozens of wonders that cannot be explained from our cultural and technological perspective.

There is physical evidence that they engaged in a nuclear showdown. They had flying machines called vemanas. The many pyramids seems to have been designed as a source of power or as an energy antenna. W do not have the technology to match the structures that the ancients built and we do not have the technology to match their flight capabilities. The source of their knowledge was their fathers the Fallen Angels.

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