Saturday, July 18, 2015


Ellenwood, Georgia: MID 1991,
Two Polar Bears

            I dreamed that I was getting out of a bright red car at my house at 4655 Tara Creek Trail in Ellenwood, Georgia. It was at night. I could see my wife in the house. She was preoccupied working upstairs in our kitchen. I could see her but she could not see me. Our actual house had a large picture window in the living room and was to my left. The same house in the dream had a picture window that was located in the center of the house.
            Two Polar bears started to chase me as I exited from the car. They worked as a team. I ran around and around the car as they chased me. I tried to get my wife’s attention but she had no idea that I was outside or what was going on with me. I was unable to get her attention and thus was unable to get any help.

            My actual vehicle that I was driving at that time was a  blue 1990 Ford Ranger.. I did not have a red car. My wife, Dwala, had a burgundy 1989 Honda Accord. I wrecked the Ford Ranger on Labor Day weekend in 1992(see story of wreck).

            I later purchased a brand new 1992 Ford Tempo because the Ford Ranger was totaled in the wreck. I did not make the connection at the time but the Tempo was bright red.

            I came to be the Executive Vice President of NTEU Chapter 70 at the Atlanta Service Center of the Internal Revenue Service. I won my election by 63 votes. The Treasurer and the Executive Secretary each won by 63 votes as well. Neither of us had the same vote total.

            Calvin Tysinger won by 36 votes. I had an unction that the vote totals  had a significant and inspired meaning. I was lead to read from the book of Psalms. I was told that the three of us that won by 63 votes were being governed by the 63rdDivision of Psalms and that Calvin Tysinger was governed by the 36th Division of Psalms. That unction was truly  prophetic.

            Calvin Tysinger turned out to be the most wicked man of color that I had encountered until that point of my life. Psalm 36 spoke directly about him. Verses 1-4 are his mantra, his epithet.
            In the course of time, we filed charges against Robert Tobias who was the national president of NTEU because of his corruption. He stood by and allowed Calvin Tysinger to rob the local NTEU chapter blind. Robert Tobias pretended not to notice when the two previous local chapter presidents Ann Malmberg and Bernice Tyler combined to misappropriate more than $200,000 from the Treasury of NTEU Chapter 70.

            Robert  Tobias dismissed the charges against himself. He plotted against me to prevent me from getting elected to be a national vice-president at our National Convention that was held in Miami, Florida. They told me that the election was being delayed for an hour and that we should go to another room to get further instructions. Once they tricked me into leaving the room. Bob and his crew conducted the election as soon as I exited out of the room.

Robert Tobias proceeded to flip the script on us and had us removed from office for exposing his wrong doing.

            I  returned to the IRS to find that Calvin had a secret plan to remove the three other executive officers from the Union. He sought to prevent us from working within the Union. He and Robert Tobias were in collusion. Likewise, Bob had secret agreements with the IRS for undermining our legal authority within the constitution of NTEU Chapter 70.
            Joe Chiaramida  was Chief of the Tax Accounts Division at the Atlanta Service Center. He had his Chief of the Adjustments-Correspondence Branch cracking the whip on all of the employees because we were nearly six months behind on our work. We were able to work unlimited overtime as a result of the backlog of cases. There was such a backlog of cases that the cases were being hidden in a secret warehouse.

 Ellen Bell was the person  in charge of falsifying the records that were being sent to IRS headquarters. I uncovered the fact that the Atlanta Service Center was submitting false data to the National Headquarters' Officially, we were ranked as the best and most productive of the 10 Service Centers.In reality we were by far the worst of the 10 Service Centers in the IRS. The Branch Chief-Ellen Bell, the Division Chief Joe Chiaramida and the Service Center Director-Michael "Mik" Allen were all  earning huge bonuses for submitting falsified data.

I accidentally uncovered the duplicitous deception while serving as Executive Vice President of NTEU chapter 70. I published a newsletter on July 1 of 1993 exposing the explosive news of my discovery. I published it one day and less than 24 hours later I was being charged with making death threats against the Atlanta Service Center of the Internal Revenue Service.

It did not win me any friends when I mentioned that Mik Allen had been involved in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. I was given a "word of Knowledge" on the day that he was introduced as the new Director of the Atlanta Service Center. It turns out that he had been a Secret Service agent assigned to Vice President Lyndon B Johnson. That team was the one assigned to assassinate the President.

The two polar bears were the IRS and NTEU. They worked together as a team. Master Yahweh was showing me how the two sworn enemies were kindred spirits and the same type of beast. Those two beast teamed up to deny me due process of law.

 An interesting aside is that the IRS is controlled by two groups of people. They are the Irish and Italians that grew up in the Boston area. The two groups have infiltrated the upper ranks of the agency. The most powerful person in the agency and possibly the most power person in the country is the Assistant Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service. That individual is always an Irishman. It is appropriate that those two groups comprise the leadership of the two largest groups of traditional organized crime families in the country. Those groups are the Irish Mafia and the Italian Mafia.

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